Cretan Greek Olive Oil with Cocoa Butter
This Greek Olive Oil Soap soothes, smoothies and quickly moisturizes dried skin.
Vitamin rich Olive Oil and luxurious Cocoa Butter in this soap lavish your body to prevent flaking and peeling.
Preserves the rich natural components present in olives and contains antioxidant and anti-aging properties to protect the skin.
We urge you to compare our unique Greek Olive Oil soap to other soaps in the market.
The All Natural Mediterranean diet for your skin...
Cal Orey (Author) wrote a book about
The Healing Powers of Olive Oil
Discover The Amazing Powers Of Olive Oil!
From ancient times to present-day, olive oil has been used for everything from health ailments to beauty and the home and so much more.
Now evidence shows that a diet based on olive oil can add years to your life and may even prevent some diseases
Relieving arthritis aches
Inhibiting breast and colon cancer
Preventing diabetes
Reducing pain
Staving off ulcers
Fighting impaired memory
Soothing diaper rash
Reducing hair loss
Cleaning your house, naturally
Minimizing stretch marks and wrinkles
Zapping ticks and conditioning your pet's coat
And more information that everyone should know!
This is a very nice everyday mild soap with out any fragrance oils just lots of wonderful lather.
Cretan olive oil and a little coconut to make it a bit harder with extra lather, Great for the face

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